Friday, February 6, 2015


Community Service for Malaysian.

Malaysia currently facing big problem where haze is everywhere. Worse area is moving from Singapore to Johor and now moving to Selangor.

To view current Malaysia Air Pollution Index (API) official site. Click here

API Index Hourly. Click here

To view Hotspot Area by ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) click here

What should I do?

Get N95 respirator mask. An N95 face mask is actually a type of respirator. A respirator is a mask made to protect your lungs not only against dust and pollen but fumes and other airborne particulates as well.

According to the Health Promotion Board,  haze particles are predominantly made up of fine particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller, and that N95 masks are efficient against fine particles that are about 0.1 – 0.3 microns.

“It protects at least 95 per cent of PM 2.5 (particulate matter 2.5), which causes the most harm during the haze,” Dr Lee Yeow Hian, a respiratory physician from Mount Elizabeth Novena, said in a phone interview with Yahoo! Singapore.

The N95 respirator mask also provides the tightest fit to the face and users can ensure this by adjusting its straps, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website (FDA).

It should be used depending on “health status, PSI level, physical exertion and time spent outdoors”, according to a health advisory by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Those with chronic respiratory, cardiac or other medical conditions that affect the respiratory system should consult a healthcare provider before using them as the mask can require more effort to breathe, according to FDA.

The respirators are not suitable for children as it does not provide a proper fit for them.

Source Yahoo.

How can the haze affect unborn baby?
1. Pollutants inhaled by the mother can reach the womb through the umbilical cord.
2. Air pollution exposure before birth has been linked with lower IQ in childhood.
3. Exposure to smog before birth has been linked to low birth weight, premature births, stillbirths and infant deaths.
4. Mothers living in areas with high levels of ozone and carbon monoxide were three times more likely to have babies with cleft lips and palates, and heart valve defects.

The greatest risk occurs during the second month of pregnancy, when the foetus is developing facial structure and organs. Continue reading here

Jerubu. Nak buat apa?
Jika kabus jerebu sudah berada dalam kawasan perumahan kita dan ada bau asap apa yang perlu dilakukan?

1. Pastikan semua tingkap, pintu, sliding termasuklah ruang tingkap di ruang bilik air BERTUTUP RAPAT.
2. Tadah air paip dalam besen/baldi (separuh saja). Kemudian letakkan di tengah rumah. Kalau dalam bilik ada bau asap. Letakkan satu baldi dalam bilik. Kuasa alam iaitu air itu sendiri akan meneutralkan udara dalam rumah kita. Besar rumah banyakkan lagi air tadahan.
3. ON hawa dingin/kipas angin untuk kurangkan rasa bahang panas dalam rumah.
4. Banyakkan minum air masak atau minuman kesihatan/supplement  untuk diri sendiri dan anak-anak.
5. Guna penutup hidung dan mulut a.k.a mask jika ingin keluar dari rumah.

Sambung bacaan anda di sini...

Sample N95 Mask

N95 Mask without Exhalation Valve. There is N95 label there..

N95 Mask with Exhalation Valve

N95 masks are not recommended for children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. Continue reading here

Others N95 mask...
You see the blue thingy.. its the Exhalation Valve
Check out the warning message...


Model 8210 for adult = RM6 per piece, or  RM78 per box (20pcs)
Model 8110s for children = RM8 per piece,  or RM110 per box (20pcs)

Advisable. After 1 hour remove the mask and breath...

Try look at any pharmacy such as Watson or Guardian. They are selling like hot cake!